Dunkirk Dam Lake District Township of Dunkirk, Wisconsin
Yahara riverfront properties south of Stoughton, within the Township of Dunkirk, extending to and including the Dunkirk Dam.
Yahara riverfront properties south of Stoughton, within the Township of Dunkirk, extending to and including the Dunkirk Dam.
No Fishing from the Dunkirk Dam south to the "Hwy N" Bridge
March 1 - May 15, 2025 , Fishing Opens at 12am on May 16th.
This is to allow successful spawning of Walleye, Musky and Bass spawning on the river.
For additional information or to report violators:
Any Dam Trespass Violations, please call Dane County Sheriff Office at (608) 266-4948
Please contact the Wisconsin DNR Tip Line at 1-800-Tip- WDNR or contact Conservation Warden, Matthew Koshollek 608-576-0290
Dunkirk Dam Lake District Quarterly Meeting - April 16, 2025
Dunkirk Town Hall
The following Dunkirk Town Ordinance was approved July 2, 2024
(a) Wake Prohibited. No person shall operate a motorized water vehicle at a speed in excess of slow-no-wake on the waters of the Yahara River North of the Dunkirk Dam in the Town of Dunkirk. (Map)
(b) Definition, The term “slow-no-wake” means that speed at which a board moves as slowly as possible while still maintaining steerage control.
Slow-No-Wake buoys will be installed in the river at the north end of Dunkirk as well as in the Dam millpond. Many thanks to Ted Christman and members of the DDLD Safety Committee for their efforts.
Dunkirk in partnership with DDLD Receive DNR Grant
Phase One will soon begin at the Dunkirk Dam millpond Lyon's Park to stabilize a 15' section of the shore to make ready for an "Easy-Dock" pier that is ADA accessible. A handicap parking pad will be added to the parking lot connecting to a crushed-stone pathway leading to the pier to the north and south across Lyon's Park.
The shore restoration will take place this Fall with the installation of the pier taking place in the Spring.
The grant requires a 50% match in funding that will be fulfilled by the DDLD and the Township including in-kind efforts.
Phase TWO of the project will take place next year if funding is secured. This will include extending the park pathway across the southern undeveloped part of the park. This will also include a driveway-style launch that can be used by kayakers to continue downstream. This launch will also be available for emergency river vehicles.
Many thanks to Laura Davis, Chair of the DDLD and the Township Supervisors for their efforts in developing Lyon's Park.
The DDLD was formed in 1994 to maintain, protect, and improve the two-mile (approx.) stretch of the Yahara River
designated as the Dunkirk Dam Lake District. MAP
Lake Districts are special purpose units of government, and include; public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, sanitary districts, special districts, and commissions formed by local governments. The purpose of a district is to maintain, protect, and improve the quality of a lake and its watershed for the mutual good of the members and the lake environment.
Lake districts are established by town, county or village boards, or city councils, and usually based on a formal petition of lake area owners. Lake District formation and operations must comply with Chapter 33 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The boundaries of a lake district usually include the property of all riparian owners and can include off-lake property that benefits from the lake or affects the lake's watershed. The district may include all or part of a lake or more than one lake. A city or village must give its approval to be included in a district.
Lake districts are governmental bodies with elected or appointed leaders and annual budgets funded from tax levies or special assessments. Districts also have some capabilities to regulate lake use, such as local boating ordinances and sewage management. Within a lake district, all property owners share in the cost of management activities undertaken by the district. Residents who live in the district and are eligible voters and all property owners have a vote in the affairs of the district. This is accomplished at an annual meeting.
The Dunkirk Dam Lake District was formed in 1994 to maintain protect, and improve our two-mile (approx.) stretch of the Yahara River designated by the Dunkirk Dam Lake District. (A map can be found under "documents.")
The DDLD membership consists of owners of the riverfront properties on the Yahara River south of the City of Stoughton, but within the Town of Dunkirk, extending to and including the Dunkirk Dam. Members meet quarterly on the third Wednesdays in January, April, July, and October.
The DDLD is a true example of a participatory democracy. Residents are represented by a five-member board of commissioners. Members who live in the district are eligible voters. The commissioners include an appointee from the Township of Dunkirk as well as Dane County providing the members with up-to-date information and beneficial cooperation as we strive to maintain the beauty of the Yahara River.
The day to day activities of the DDLD are carried out by a board of five commissioners. Three are property owners elected by the membership, each serving a three-year term. The remaining two are appointed; one by the county, and one by the township.
Term: October 2020-2024, 2024-2027
Laura and her husband, Rich Morris, live on the west side of the river near the Millpond. Laura is a retired Neonatal ICU Nurse.
Term: October 2024-2027
Nick and his wife, Liz Vanderwerff live on Taylor Lane near the millpond.
Becky and her husband, Ted live on the north end of the river. She is a retired Project Manager.
Mike is the Dane County Supervisor for District 35 which, encompasses the DDLD. Follow his District 35 BLOG.
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